Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Two More Bears...

Another good night for the bear hunt! Two were brought in last night, both by guys who had never seen a bear before yesterday. Pictured are guide Roy, camp owner Bruce, hunter Mike, hunter John, and Mike's son Chris. Stay tuned to see if Chris gets his bear this week...

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

What a Night!

Michelle, Corrie, Bill & Rod all brought in bears last night - yes, four in one night! Rod's was the largest, weighing in at almost 400 lbs. Congratulations to all the hunters!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Movie Night at the Golden Eagle!

The Boutin's sure had a lot of fun at their family reunion... they rented 6 cottages, played games, had a scavenger hunt, and even had a special showing at the Hawk's Haven. What an awesome idea!